In-Person Church Service

Bellville Church Calendar  |  23 October, 2021 10:00 - 12:00

Location: Bellville SDA Church

This week's service includes a Baptism Service and Communion Service. The exact time of the service will be updated here and communicated closer to the time.

Baptisms in the Bible were joyful events. Every baptized individual believed in the good news they had heard—that Jesus was the Son of God and the long-awaited Messiah. 
“Then those who gladly received his word were baptized, and that day about three thousand souls were added to them.” -- Acts 2:41 NKJV. Learn more about Baptism: 

Are you wondering how Adventists conduct their communion service?
The Adventist communion ceremony is divided into three parts. It entails eating unleavened bread, drinking grape juice, and washing one another's feet. All of these things represent Christ's sacrifice for our sins and the humble, servant-like example He set.
The bread symbolizes Christ's broken body for us. The fruit of the vine represents Jesus' poured blood for us.
It's a privilege to be part of this proclamation, and we are invited to come to His table, experience His love, and be saved for eternity.


Adventist Men's Congress

Registration for the Adventist Men's Congress is closing on 1 April. See the poster for all the d...More

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