16 Days of Activism

Bellville Church Calendar  |  24 November, 2016


16 DAYS OF ACTIVISM AGAINST GENGER-BASED VIOLENCE. COUNT ME IN : TOGETHER MOVING A NON-VIOLENT SOUTH AFRICA FORWARD. - This is the theme for 16 Days of Activism which is from the 25 November to the 10 December. We have households in South Africa who struggle to keep it together because of this very matter of concern. Abuse comes in many forms : Physical, Emotional and sexual abuse, and because of this poverty, unemployment and inequality thrives. We have to come together to make a permanent change where there is no violence in our homes. We need to combat abuse. Speak out against abuse! Speak out for those who are too afraid to do so! Families, parents and children, stand together to create an environment of safety and peace for all! During these 16 days, please wear your WHITE RIBBON in support of those going through these types of situations and cannot speak out. Wear your WHITE RIBBON to create further awareness so that this problem can be eradicated, once and for all. YOU CAN CHANGE THE WORLD, ONE DAY AT A TIME. #16DaysOfPrayer


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