29 October 2015
What worries you about your life? I don't think there is anyone, however young or old you are, that does not from time to time worry about your material wellbeing. It is especially those unattained targets that we find difficult to reach, be that a financial or any other target. But we have the Source of all solutions on our side every time we face a crunch. The problem is that we feel uncomfortable to run to that Source because we haven't been in contact with that Person. This is similar to other 'friends' in our daily life. We haven't made contact with such 'friends' and when we are forced to seek support we feel uncomfortable to seek out that specific person that we know can and would help us. We feel embarassed to go to that source.

The obvious thing is to stay in contact, keep the relationship current so that there is regular contact and the friend knows about your needs. The same goes for our relationship with the Source. He is always available but we are the problem. We don't feel comfortable to be in His hands to support us and keep us safe from the enemy. Stewardship is first and foremost a personal matter for every believer. It is a personal relationship nurtured between God and the believer so that God understands the believers's need and the motive for wanting that need to be met.
Read Ezra to find a great model for our stewardship. (Ezra 2:68,69)
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